Fall Internships

We are no longer accepting applications for these positions. However, many other opportunities to become involved are available. Please email [email protected] for more information! 

The Center for the Study of the Drone is offering two paid internships to enrolled Bard students for the fall 2013 semester.

The Media Intern will manage video recording and presentation of our speaker series, record our interviews, and prepare research for aerial video footage projects. The student will gain first-hand work experience in film production and digital media, and will become an expert in the emerging practice of using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for aerial photography.

-Produce high quality, edited video recordings of the Center’s speaker series.
-Develop regular digital media projects for the Center’s website.
-Remain informed of the latest tech, policy, a regulatory developments in the world of unmanned vehicle systems.
-Develop imaginative methods for the online presentation of video.
-Submit a detailed report on the adoption of drones by the film industry.
-Research the history and practice of aerial filmography, and draft recommendations for the development of unmanned aerial photography systems at Bard.
-Attend weekly organizing meetings with the supervisor.

Candidate must be a moderated student. Previous experience in digital film or photography required. Course study in film, photography, political studies, human rights or computer science is a plus. Candidates must be available to attend each of the sessions of the Center’s speaker series.

The Research Intern will support the Center’s mission of expanding the public’s understanding of the history, present, and future of unmanned technology. Essential to this position is the building of a library of knowledge on the history of unmanned technology, its political and social implications for society, and its expanding use in a multitude of industries.

-Complete bi-weekly research assignments to support the Center’s long and short-term projects. Assignments will be in the form of both written and multimedia reports.
-Attend all lectures in the Center’s speaker series.
-Develop expertise in the past, present, and future of unmanned technology.
-Follow, and participate, in the ongoing public debate about military and domestic drone use.
-Prepare and conduct interviews for the Center’s website.
-Aid in the preparation of the Weekly Roundup and develop strategies to expand our readership.
-Research and write two blog posts for the Drone Center blog.
-Attend weekly organizing meetings with the supervisor.

Candidate must be a moderated student. Course study in political studies, human rights, international relations or law, and experience in journalism is a plus.

Interns will be paid a $500 stipend for the semester.

APPLY HERE: http://dronecenter.bard.edu/wpgforms/internship-application/

(Image from EastBay RC.)