Staff Book: Eyes in the Sky

“On almost every page, Eyes in the Sky offers astonishing details that seem to belong in science fiction. But they’re true.” —Eric Schlosser “Holland Michel’s book is not the first to look at technologies intended to achieve omniscience, but it is among the best.” —Sharon Weinberger, Nature Eyes in the …

Who’s Afraid of a Small Drone?

By Alex Pasternack Dianne Feinstein has a bone to pick with drones, especially since she confronted one on her own lawn. “I’m in my home and there’s a demonstration out front, and I go to peek out the window, and there’s a drone facing me,” the California Democratic senator recalled to …

Drones and the Shifting Expectation of Privacy

By Jared Rankin Though it remains technologically and politically fraught, the vision of a domestic dronespace has been fast tracked for legislation by 2015. It is by now obvious, and much commented-upon, that the introduction of sensor-laden drones into national airspace has serious implications for privacy rights. Many have voiced …

News Analysis: Drones vs. Graffiti Artists

By Arthur Holland Michel If you are a graffiti artist, be aware that Germany’s rail company, Deutsche Bahn, has just enlisted drones to make your life harder. The small, 60,000euro drone-copters will fly “almost silently” over German rail yards to “collect evidence” against artists who paint train carriages in the …

Weekend Roundup 3/24

News Trending Now The journalist and author Daniel Klaidman made headlines this week by reporting that the Obama administration is considering shifting drone targeted killing operations from the CIA to the military. Mark Manzetti at the New York Times reports on the administration’s efforts. Mayor Bloomberg has said that military …