Staff Book: Eyes in the Sky

“On almost every page, Eyes in the Sky offers astonishing details that seem to belong in science fiction. But they’re true.” —Eric Schlosser “Holland Michel’s book is not the first to look at technologies intended to achieve omniscience, but it is among the best.” —Sharon Weinberger, Nature Eyes in the …

Report: Counter-Drone Systems

Counter-drone technology, also known as counter-UAS, C-UAS, or counter-UAV technology, refers to systems that are used to detect and/or intercept unmanned aircraft. As concerns grow around the potential security threats drones may pose to both civilian and military entities, a new market for counter-drone technology is rapidly emerging. To date, …

Report: Drone Registrations

On November 14, 2017, the Federal Aviation Administration publicly released a database of every drone registration up to October 31, 2017. This preliminary report is the first detailed analysis of the dataset. Key Takeaways As of October 31, 2017, there are 836,796 hobbyist users and 106,739non-hobbyist drones registered with the …

Drones at Home: Drone Incidents

Today the Center for the Study of the Drone published “Drone Incidents: A Survey of Legal Cases,” an in-depth study on over two dozen legal cases that have been prosecuted by authorities other than the FAA. This is the third installment in a three-part series on drone use and regulations at the local level in …

Drones at Home: Local and State Drone Laws

Today the Center for the Study of the Drone published “Local and State Drone Laws,” the first study in a three-part series on drone use and regulations at the local level in the U.S. The second and third studies in the series will explore the use of drones by first …

Loitering Munitions In Focus

[gview file=””] In the early history of unmanned aviation, the distinction between a drone and guided missile was not always well defined. The World War One-era Kettering Bug, regarded to be one of the first drones, was designed to deliver an explosive charge by crashing into its targets, more like …

The Presidential Candidates on Drones

[gview file=””] The current U.S. administration’s use of armed surveillance drones for military operations—in particular the hundreds of covert targeted killings that have been conducted outside of declared war zones—is a defining dimension of Barack Obama’s presidency. Since 2009, drones have served as the primary tool in the U.S. war …

Report: The Drone Revolution Revisited

Press Contact: Mark Primoff 845-758-7412 NEW REPORT FROM THE CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF THE DRONE AT BARD COLLEGE OFFERS DETAILED PORTRAIT OF MAJOR MILITARY DRONE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS OF THE PAST DECADE First Comprehensive Study of 36 Air, Ground, and Maritime Drones Provides Key Resource for a Wide Audience …

Law Enforcement Robots Datasheet

  [gview file=””]       Background Robots are an increasingly common sight in U.S. police departments. These unmanned ground vehicles are used for roles that are deemed too hazardous for law enforcement officers, such as inspecting and disarming explosive ordnance. The influx of robots into civilian law enforcement agencies …

Significant Aspects of the FAA’s Drone Rules

  By Arthur Holland Michel Today, the Federal Aviation Administration released its much anticipated Part 107 rules, which cover the use of drones for non-recreational purposes in the U.S. airspace system. Up until now, non-recreational drone users such as commercial entities and educational institutions had to apply for a Section …